Dap & More Professional

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  • The massager takes advantage of the quadruple action of thermotherapy
  • magnetotherapy
  • vacuum therapy (negative vacuum) and massage to combat cellulite. The application of heat (thermotherapy) stimulates the catabolism of fats
  • i.e. the conversion of large
  • complex molecules into smaller
  • simpler ones to obtain energy
  • as well as benefiting the oxygenation of cells and promoting circulation. Therefore
  • thermotherapy is an interesting ally for weight loss. Magnetotherapy is a therapeutic treatment based on the application of pulsed electromagnetic fields (CEMP) that biostimulate the body's own cells
  • oxygenate the blood in the treated area and help to eliminate metabolites. It also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects which helps to reduce oedema caused by poor lymphatic circulation. The result is firmer and more supple skin. This effect is used to combat not only cellulite. Negative pressure vacuum (vacuum therapy) works in conjunction with massage
  • thermotherapy and magnetotherapy to maximise the remodelling and reconstructive effects
  • stimulates the elimination of fat deposits and improves the appearance of cellulite. The massage stimulates circulation and promotes the drainage of accumulated lymphatic fluid
  • thus activating the elimination of metabolites
  • waste and toxins. Thanks to the multitude of possible modes offered by the Cellout massage patch
  • you will be able to carry out a multitude of tasks
  • among which we highlight: Eliminate fat Eliminate flaccidity Tone your skin Shape muscles How to perform your routine with the anti-cellulite massager
  • yes: 1Ί Before starting your routine First of all
  • check the charge of our patch and
  • if necessary
  • connect it using the USB cable provided to recharge the battery. 2Ί Conditioning of the skin before the massage Once we have the patch with a fully charged battery
  • we will proceed to prepare our skin for our massage routine. To do this
  • clean the skin properly
  • and then apply plenty of lotion or body oil
  • in order to facilitate the sliding of the device over the skin. 3Ί Placement of filters Once we have properly conditioned our skin
  • we will proceed to fit the necessary filters and plugs to prevent the lotion spread on our skin from penetrating the device. 4Ί Performing the massage Next we will proceed to carry out the massage itself
  • firstly
  • we will select the desired mode; with the help of the right arrow we will select the suction level
  • and with the left arrow
  • the heat level. Slide the massager over your skin
  • making gentle vertical movements
  • slowly and continuously along the massage area. 5Ί At the end of the massage Once the massage has finished after 25 minutes
  • the device will switch off automatically. Once it has switched off
  • remove the filters and clean them with lukewarm water. Afterwards
  • let them dry completely before using them again.
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