Dap & More Professional

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Μηχάνημα Καθαρισμού Προσώπου ITALIAN DESIGN



70%  έκπτωση

Χαμηλότερη τιμή 30 ημερών: 13,60 € (12,50%)
Προτεινόμενη Λ.Τ.: 39,90 € (70,18%)


Μηχάνημα Καθαρισμού Προσώπου ITALIAN DESIGN

  • Facial Rejuvenator: Rejuvenates
  • Nourishes
  • Purifies
  • Firms
  • Energises
  • Regenerates.8
  • 500 rpm (vibration frequency per minute: high level sound wave technology that penetrates deeper into the dermal layer). In the skin it increases the temperature of the surrounding tissue
  • which increases oxygenation of the cells
  • stimulates collagen protein and helps to remove residual products. This is an antibacterial cleansing action. It benefits the skin by stimulating blood circulation
  • diminishing fine lines and wrinkles
  • clears acne and blemishes and can also eradicate uneven pigmentation and redness. Positive (+) and negative (-) ion emitter: Galvanic (-) ions deeply cleanse the skin of impurities that can cause a dull
  • lifeless appearance. This process occurs when negatively charged ions attract and encapsulate toxins
  • preparing them for removal. Following this
  • the positive ions work to attract the encapsulated impurities within the skin. This treatment not only leaves the skin thoroughly cleansed
  • but also improves oxygenation and circulation
  • which promotes cellular health and helps prevent free radical damage and premature ageing. In addition
  • the positive electrode can generate an acidic action with the aim of calming the nerves by decreasing the blood supply
  • and strengthening the fibrous tissue of the skin
  • shrinking pores and relieving reddened skin. It is applicable for allergic skin and acne. The negative electrode can generate alkaline action
  • stimulate nerves
  • promote blood circulation
  • soften fibrous tissue and strengthen firmness
  • and is applicable for dry and aging skin with slow metabolism. Powered by button cell battery: 3V CR2032 BATTERY (not included).
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